Thursday, January 21, 2010

A couple of cuties

Connor can't wait for the day that Bella is big enough to sleep in his room with him. He's got all kinds of plans already for the days when they can "camp out" in his room.

He says, "Mom, I'll sleep on the top bunk and Bella can sleep on the bottom. I'm bigger so I'll be on top so that she doesn't fall out. But sometimes we can both just sleep on the bottom together." And this goes on and on....

So every night when I put him to bed I let her lay in bed with him for a few minutes and he just eats it up. Lovin every second she is in bed with him. It's too cute!

And this is a pretty usual sight at about 9:00 at our house.

momma cole

1 comment:

Tee said...

Too cute! I love all the pictures and Connor is so cute as a big brother!! Miss you guys! Let's get together soon!