Thursday, June 19, 2008


We have lived in our house for 3 years now and the only kind of wildlife we have ever seen are pheasants, and then the annoying wasps and ants and bugs, and we can't forget the gophers that dig holes everywhere in the yard. This past week it's been kinda crazy with the critters that have been coming through the yard. It all started with our hawk that has been living on our hawk pole that Ben put up last year. The pole was put up in hopes that the hawks would come and take care of the stripped gophers that are tearing up our yard. It seems to be working because I have only seen one stripped gopher in our yard and usually we have about 3 hanging out everyday. Then the other day we were out in the yard playing and I saw something moving across the yard. I went over and it was a turtle. I'm not sure where he came from or where he was going, but we kept him for a few hours and played with him then we brought him down to the lake so he could go find his mother (as Connor would say). Last night Ben and Connor were outside and I heard Connor yell, Mom come here, so I went outside and they had found a salamander. Connor thought it was so cool, he named him sugar and they played for awhile and then let him go too. When I woke up this morning I looked out our window and there was a bunny right next to the window, so I woke up Connor and he got to see it to. It's not like these are some unusual animals to find in the country, but it is just so weird that we haven't had any of them for 3 years, and then they all decide to come out of hiding in the same week. Connor has been pretty excited.

Yesterday when my sister was watching Connor, she took him down to the library in town because they were having wild animals visiting. So he got to see a big snake, turtle and what he calls "DragonTales". I assume to be a lizard. DragonTales is a cartoon on PBS that he watches. On our way home yesterday he says to me, "Mom, I had fun with Hailey." It was so cute. He has had quite an experience with the wildlife this past week and is so excited about it, I can't wait to take him to the zoo this summer.

Big Boys

Well we are finally having success with th potty training. A few weeks ago I had put Connor to bed and about 10 mins later he came out of his room and told me he had to go potty. I wish I could have gotten a picture of the look on my face, I was so surprised. He has gone pee on the potty before but he has never flat out told me that he had to pee and wanted to go on the potty. So that night I took him into the bathroom and he peed on the potty and then went back to bed. Weird weird. I don't know where it came from, but I don't care. I was so happy that night I couldn't believe it, but I wasn't expecting anything the next day, he is so stubborn you never know what you're going to get. But the next morning he woke up and told me he didn't want a diaper on and wanted to wear "big boys" aka underwear. All day long he peed and pooped on the potty and ever since he has gone for me. But the big deal breaker is that he will only go for me. Sometimes daddy can get him to go for him, and then when he is at school, he will either hold it until naptime when he puts a pull up on, or he will go in his pants. I'm not sure what the deal is with that, I know he gets a little gun shy and doesn't want anyone to watch him pee or poop so there is probably just too many people around at school f0r him to go. I am just hoping that soon he will not want to have wet pants anymore and decide that he wants to go in the potty at school. But it is a big change at home now with him in his "big boys" and me not having to buy diapers anymore! yeah! So I took these pictures of Connor the other day because when he puts his "big boys" on he has to wear them backwards, he will not wear them if you put them on how they are supposed to go. Especially the ones with characters on them. He says he wants the spiderman picture to go on his peepee and not on his butt. Go figure. In the picture he has on the new "big boys" that I just bought him and they are bigger than the ones that he already has. So when he wears the smaller ones it is hilarious becuase the front of them are so much smaller than the back and they don't cover his but at all, you can hardly get them up. I'll have to get a picture of it and put it up, it is so funny. You would think it is uncomfortable, but he doesn't care, as long as spiderman is on the peepee he is happy. Silly guy.
Well we are going up to the Chippewa Flowage tonight to go camping for the whole weekend. It will be interesting as we will be staying on an island with no shower or toilet or anything that we are so used to having. I am just praying for nice weather and no storms. I'll put up some pictures of the weekend when we get back. Hope you all enjoy the weekend as well!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Last Saturday we went fishing in Lindstrom, MN with Ben's friend Todd and his daughter Savannah. The fish were sure hungry that day. As soon as the worm would hit the water there was a fish on the hook. Connor loved realing in the fish. While on the lake we stopped at a restaurant to get some supper and Todd decided he needed to get the kids guns and pirate eye patches. Connor wouldn't put it over his eye though, it had to go in the middle of his forhead. He also had fun driving the boat (in circles).