Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Random Pictures...and more blogs below

Here are a bunch of random pictures from the last few months. I've also posted a few new blogs too, or should I say finally. No more excuses now since we finally joined the rest of the world and got high speed internet. And since this is the first time I've attempted to blog since we got the high speed internet, I've realized how easy and fast it really can be, what a difference.
Here is one of my little man, and one of his favorite foods, oddly enough, it's broccoli. Whenever I buy broccoli, he'll eat it in one sitting. He just can't get enough of it.
But don't get me wrong, he also absolutely loves ice cream, candy and treats. Grandpa Bob brought over dilly bars for us, and he completly enjoyed his dilly bar. This is a picture of him saying, "Thank you Grandpa Bob!"

Random Picture of Ben and I.
Connor and grandpa Bob at the Monster Truck show. They had such a great time!

Connor loves to entertain us with his musical abilities on his guitar.

Building with Legos, Connor and Ben's favorite thing to play together.

They made a heart for me out of Legos.

Tool man Connor. Or as he would call himself, WorkerBoy.

"Nothing Between the Legs"

Yesterday we had our 20 week ultrasound. Connor was so cute the whole time he stood next to me and held my hand and just watched. He got to see the feet and the hands and the face. At the end Ben asked "what about the sex?" and the tech said, well there's nothing between the legs. And I said, yeah right, show me. So he had to show me from as many angles as he could because I just didn't believe him. But he just kept telling me that there was nothing there. So I guess we are having a girl, and Connor is going to have a sister. (Another word that he is trying to learn) And last night we were talking about names and asked Connor to give his sister a name. Here is what he came up with....Blanket, Beer, and finally Connor. When we told him we couldn't name her Connor because it would be too confusing, he freaked out and said, No her name is Connor. So we'll see if we can get him to accept any other names.
Here are the pictures from the ultrasound we had at 10 weeks. Our doctor tried to give me a heart attack when she couldn't find the heartbeat in the office so she sent us down for an ultrasound where we got to, thankfully, hear the hearbeat and see the little one.

And here she is all grown up at 20 weeks. With a new due date of August 8th. The last picture you can see her arm sticking up above her head. We didn't get any pictures of "the view that counts" because at the end when he was trying to convince me that there was "nothing between the legs" (I think he said that about 20 times) she had moved to a different position and not the best view. But Ben said that he was watching the whole time the tech was taking measurements and saw the first "view that counts" and said he knew right away, it was a girl. I am still in disbelief because I was pretty sure I would have all boys, and keep trying for a girl and never get it, and end up with a house full of boys, so maybe this is the world's way to keep me from reproducing too many times:) Whatever it is, I couldn't be more happy and excited, but I will fully believe it when the time comes, until then, I'll still have some reservations about the true sex of Baby Brown.

Leyla Grace

Friday, March 6th @ 2:00pm, Dane and Sarah had a baby girl named Leyla Grace. She weighed in at 8lbs 2oz and 20 inches long

Connor is very excited to be a cousin. He is very slowly understanding that Leyla is his "cousin" because eveyone keeps asking him how his cousin is.

Proud Grandparents.

Ice Fishin

This winter, Connor and Ben got in their fare share of ice fishing. Every chance they got they were out there trying to "bring home supper." Connor absolutly loves going fishing with his dad and would get mad whenever Ben wanted to go without him.

Connor even got to teach Grandma Sandy how to ice fish too.