Saturday, July 5, 2008


Ben's friend Todd and his daughter Savannah brought a turtle over to our house the other day and the kids just had a blast with it. At first they both just stood back and watched it and whenever the turtle got close to climbing out of the box, they would scream and run. But after about ten minutes they were both trying to hold the turtle. Connor would try to pick it up with his fat and pudgy fingers that weren't long enough to reach around it and when he would get ahold of it and try to lift it up, he would drop it right back down, sometimes landing smack dab on the rock in the box, or head first into the ground. Then Savannah would try, and the same exact thing would happen. I'm not sure how many times that poor turtle was dropped. The kids then decide they weren't having any luck with their hands so they decided to get a racket and try to scoop it up with the racket, only to end up getting the poor thing higher into the air, to drop/fall back onto the hard rock or ground. After a few minutes of play, the turtle decided it was best just to stay inside his shell and not come out until the abuse was done. Either that or it was already dead. I'm not really sure. However, they both did have such a great time with the turtle. I just hope that he is now swimming with his family/friends in the lake, instead of floating in it.

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