September 1st, 2009. I just got back from dropping my baby, now big boy, off at his first day of school.
When he woke up this morning I told him that he got to go to school today and was so excited for him. But he had a different plan for the day. He told me, "Mom, I don't want to go to school" well actually he yelled it at me. And followed it by running into his room, slamming the door, and layed in bed with his blankets over his head. I broke into his room with a bobby pin, and talked to him about going to school, and how much fun he was going to have, and all the new toys he was going to be able to play with. But he was still determined that he wasn't going to go to school. I had a feeling this was going to happen, because all summer long he was saying he didn't want to go to school. But then I had a glimmer of hope yesterday when we went to his open house, met his teachers, and played in his classroom for awhile, and he had fun, did so good, and was excited to come back. So I don't know what happened over night to make him change his mind, but I didn't know what to do to get him excited about going to school. I tried bribing him with ice cream, picnics, toys, and candy, and he said he didn't want it.
Luckily, Ben's dad Greg had planned on coming over in the morning before Connor left for school. When Greg got here he asked Connor if he was excited for school and amazing he said YES. What??? Two minutes ago he was locked in his room, yelling at me that he was NOT going to school. Now when grandpa asks him he says he is excited. Then he goes on to ask when we are leaving, and he says "Come on mom I gotta go to school." So we got up and went to school. Brought him to his classroom and found him some trucks to play with. I was still bracing myself for him to tell me not to leave. So I finally asked him for a hug and kiss and he gave me one and said goodbye. Just like that he was fine and I had to leave. Tear:( My baby didn't need me anymore and I had left him at school. But I am so happy that he finally was excited and felt comfortable enough for me to leave. So I had to say a huge thank you to Greg for helping Connor get to school. If he wouldn't have come over, I bet Connor would still be in his bed right now, not wanting to go to school. Below are some pics of the first day.
Connor in his school clothes with his backpack on his way to the first day of school.
In the car and EXCITED to go to school!
Ben is in North Dakota for work for a month so he called Connor when we were on his way to school. The pic is of Connor talking to Ben about going to school
Walking to the school with his new packers backpack.
Outside the front door of his school.