Monday, December 14, 2009

From the Browns to all of you!

If you didn't, for some reason or another, recieve my email, here is the contents of it.

I ordered our christmas cards the other day and the estimated delivery date was the week of christmas. So I'm assuming that you will not be recieving the Brown family christmas card until after the new year. So to hold you out until then (I know you are all opening your mailboxes everyday in hopes to see a card from The Browns, right!?!) I have "elfed ourselves" I couldn't decide on my favorite dance so I posted them all below. The first is our hip hop routine, next is a little singing from the family, and lastly is our country dance. Hope you all enjoy. Connor's gotten a pretty big kick out of watching himself dance. It's pretty cute, and funny. Happy Holidays everyone!

momma cole

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