Right before Christmas Bella turned 5 months, and the pictures are just making their appearance today...oops. Better late than never I guess.
This weekend celebrated her half birthday. Wow I can't believe it was 6 months ago already. But the last few weeks she's grown up so much more I find myself wondering where my little baby went. She's getting quite the personality. It's so fun to watch her grow.
She's definitly got a preference for her momma and won't let anyone else put her to sleep. Which makes it hard for me to leave her. But thats ok, I don't mind taking her with me. She's also been pretty spoiled bt taking her naps with me (because I enjoy it just as much), but last week I finally started laying her down for naptime. Sometimes she does ok, other times she wakes up as I'm walking to her bed. We've got a long way to go before naptime is figured out, but until then, I'll savor up the snuggle time we get.
She has also learned a few new tricks too. When she's laying on her tummy bshe scoots backwards all over the floor. (I'm not ready for her to be mobile yet so I think I'll just confine her to my lap, hip, or her saucer ;)
She's also learned how to sit up by herself. The other day I thought I'd see how she would do andsure enough she was sitting up by herself.
We haven't started any foods yet, but I'm thinking sometime this week we might. She can't wait to get food, she trys to eat everything I have. She loves to drink water out of my cup, and loves to try to drink from a straw.
She really is such a good baby. She rarely crys. When she is hungry she just sucks her thunb and snuggles up to me, it's so sweet.
I think Bella is now up to 17 pounds, and I have no idea how long she is, but will find out the true measurements at her check up (which I still need to schedule).
Bella still loves to watch Connor's every move. She just giggles at him all day. And he loves to do whatever he can to get her to laugh at him. But he still needs to learn that the face is not a ticklish spot. He always tries to tickle her on her head or her cheeks and then doesn't get why she doesn't giggle at that.
Now if you have a weak stomach you may not want to look at the next picture. I didn't even realize I had caught it in a picture. But since I did, I thought I'd give you a little glimpse of what dealing with a baby with reflux is like.
So after a month of being on zantac, I stopped using it and she was fine. She just had what I considered normal baby spit up. But about a week after being off it, she got really congested, had a hard time breathing out her nose, and she was getting wheezy. So I asked the doctor and and she said it was probably once again from the reflux. Apparantly if the refluxed tummy contents reach the throat it creates a slight degree of swelling and irritation that results in a noisy, congested breathing. So back on the zantac she went. Every month I continue to take her off it thinking she doesn't need it anymore, and everytime I do, she gets congested again so I start giving it to her again. But the last few times she started spitting up while on the zantac. So here's our choice right now, keep her on the zantac and she spits up like crazy all day long, or take her off it and she doesn't spit up but she has a hard time breathing. Obviously not a hard decision to make, but it's one that really doesn't make sense. She shouldn't be spitting up like that when on zantac. So we'll have to see what the dr thinks at her check up this week.
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