The holidays have come and fast! The week of christmas I took the kids to ben's moms place to hand out and to get there before the snow came. (Let's just say, at the time, Bella hated being in the car, and screamed from turtle lake to ladysmith, which is the better portion on a 3 hr drive!) Everybody else made the journey the day before christmas eve. We spent the time playing games, hanging out, and actively checking the computer for updates on the weather/snow storm. Our plan was, as always, to head home christmas eve night, after church. (I have a rule that no matter what, I always want to wake up in my house christmas morning.) So after checking the weather, seeing how bad it sounded, we decided to make our way home in the early afternoon. Mainly to avoid driving in the dark. Well, it's a good thing we left when we did, the drive home was nasty. I sat in the back to entertain Bella and try to avoid the screaming. I was so nervous the whole drive, I tried knitting a hat, and well, after starting over numerous times, decided that was not going to happen. But finally we get a mile from our house.... on our way up a hill...and we stop....can't make it up the hill. I'm telling Ben to turn around and go the other way, and he keeps pushing it saying we can make it. I eventually won, we turned around and finally made it home. Here are some pics from our time at Jed and Sandys.

Then Christmas morning, the kids must have been good enough during the year because Santa came and left them each a present and filled their stockings. Bella got a new pink glow worm, that really calms her down when she is tired and doesn't want to give in. And Connor got a transformer.

After they opened all their presents we once again, set out to battle the roads to get to my mom and dads place. We decided to take the truck (thankfully!) and Ben built a snowman in the bed of the truck (he said it was for weight in the back). I'm really bummed that I didn't get a picture of it. But believe me everyone in the town of New Richmond took a picture of it. (It was very reminiscent of the day we took a picture of tiny car and gigantic tree on top!) On the way to NR, we almost went in the ditch multiple times. I had 3 heart attacks on the drive there. As we pulled into NR, I realized we had no diapers, called my mom and we had used all the ones I kept there also. So the roads are pure ice, it's christmas day, stores are all closed and we have no diapers for our baby. We decided to try a gas station, see if luck was on our side, sure enough, it was. We finally made it there and guess what else I camera. So no pics from christmas at my moms this year....bummer! (more to come on the diaper situation later)
Anyways, it was a great holiday spent with family. I hope all of you had great holidays as well! (I really thought this post was going to be quick, guess not:)
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