Thursday, June 24, 2010

11 months...Part 1

So I'm admitting it now, bad mommy, I never did a 10 month post and I never even took the pictures for it, oops. But moving on, Bella is already 11 months! What does that mean? It means that in 1 month she will be 1 year old. In ONE month! That really can't be. She still seems so little to me, and it for sure does NOT feel like it's been a whole year....almost. Wow time flies.

What has Bella been up to?....

She now weighs pounds and is inches long. Her hair is growing longer and longer but only in the back (and when I say longer, it's all relative to the no hair she was born with:). She is on the move, crawling everywhere with her goofy little crawl. The one where she uses one knee and one foot instead of both knees. She spends most of her day standing up, in the middle of the floor, with a toy in her hand. However, she has no desire to take a step on her own, I know she could do it if she just tried, but she doesn't even want to try. She loves to talk, in the morning and at night, when Connor is asleep. At least that is the only time we get to hear her talk. We're trying to figure out if she just doesn't talk when Connor is around because she is too busy listening to him talk, or if she really does talk when Connor is around and we just can't hear her over him. She says dada to everything, but has no idea what it means...I think. And I think she started saying "hi" this week to. The first time she said it I thought it was just coincidence and just sounded like a "hi", but now she has done it multiple times and she uses it at the right time. So just maybe she is really saying "hi".

Bella loves food. Real food. Food she can eat with her fingers. At about 9 months she decided she was done with the baby food, done with mommy feeding her and she wanted to do it all herself. If I put something in her mouth for her to eat, she will spit it out into her hand just so she can put it into her mouth by herself, which makes for some very messy lunch times.

Her favorite things to do are swing, play outside, eat everything she can find (which includes legos, rocks, dirt, lint, crumbs, ants, spiders, and whatever else she can get into her hands), bounce on the bouncing zebra, and try to sneak into Connor's room. (You should see how fast she can move when she realizes he left his door open...again!)

She is starting to show her temper, unfortunately. When she wants to be held and I put her down on the floor, she'll put her head between her legs and just yell. It's actually pretty cute...right now, but I'm sure in a few months it won't be too cute. I'm definitely not looking forward to that stage.

Besides that, she really is the perfect baby. She's so good, so sweet, and loves to cuddle. I feel so blessed to have such amazing kiddos! Pictures in part 2.

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