Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Redneck WHAT? Wednesday

Why the heck is this piece of rebar coming out of the log in front of our house....surely it is used for something important.....

And here is a picture of our newest friend I found in our yardd about ahalf hour ago. I made a little home for it so it can stay until the boys get home from school. But the thing is like houdini, it has escaped from it's "home" 3 times now, and I thought I had it built pretty good. So I resorted to a storage bin, now if he escapes from that he must really be scared to death of the torture that lies ahead for him when the boys get home:) Actually I'm guessing there will be more screaming and running away from the boys and a lot less torturing. We'll see!

Now what is that rebar for again???


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