Thursday, July 29, 2010

Kids say the darndest things

So the other day I had the discovery health channel on tv (yes that is my favorite channel:). Anyways, there was a show about conjoined twins on and Connor caught a glimpse of it and said...

"Mom I know how they got stuck together like that."

and I said, "How do you think?"

and he said, "Because when they were in their mommy's tummy, they just couldn't stop hugging each other and so they got stuck together!"


And today we are playing the drums...and they are both just loving it!


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Redneck WHAT? Wednesday

There is a real reason why this screw is through this pencil....can you guess why?

And our shadow family picture :)


Tuesday, July 27, 2010


On Friday, this pretty princess turned ONE YEAR OLD! Can you even believe it, I surely can't. There is no way it was already a year ago that she was born.

She still seems like a little baby to me. Probably because she is about half the size Connor was at 1 year. She is almost 19 pounds now but she's just a little peanut to me. She's become a master walker now and has recently discovered how to climb. She will climb everything. She tips over the baskets I have under the coffee table so she can climb on them and then climb onto the coffee table. She climbed onto the couch yesterday (not sure how she managed that yet), and she even tries to climb the walls. You should see how far she can reach her little leg trying to climb.

I'm happy to say that after all our initial issues with breastfeeding, she made it a whole year without needing any formula. We tried some whole milk this weekend, but she was really crabby all weekend, so I have taken her off it to see if it was upsetting her tummy, or if it was something unrelated

I believe she now has 7.5 teeth. I know she has for sure 4 on top and I think there is still 3.5 on the bottom. I say .5 because her very first tooth that came in is a fused tooth. It's the front bottom left tooth that came in attached to another tooth. We're not sure if it is an extra tooth or the tooth next to it that it is fused too. Either way, the dentist says there is really nothing they do about it as long as it isn't bothering her, and it probably won't have any affect on her adult teeth.

Just this week she has learned how to shake her head "no" when she doesn't want something. It is too cute when I offer her a cracker after she already had a couple and she shakes her head no because she is all done.

She still is the sweetest thing possible (despite the picture above:). She is such a snuggly baby. We could cuddle all day long and she'd be happy. I just eat up every minute of it.

She is starting to really be able to play with Connor now too. They sit on the floor with the box of cars and I hear them both making car noises while driving the cars around. It's so fun to see them playing together.
She has been such a blessing to our lives and we just love our two babies so much! (Please don't tell Connor I called him my baby....he wouldn't be very happy:)

Happy First Birthday to my pretty princess!


Monday, July 26, 2010

Sand Babies

These kiddos LOVE to play in the sand!


Wednesday, July 14, 2010


We headed to como zoo yesterday. It was a perfect day, cloudy, not humid or too hot. The kids loved to see the animals, especially the new polar bear exhibit. They got to watch the polar bears be hand fed their food and they loved watching the penguins swimming around. We only had one "minor" incident that most likely shaved 10 years off my life, but it turned out good...thankfully. Ethan, the boy I watch that is a little older than Connor is quite the wanderer. He's in his own world and just walks wherever he pleases with no concern as to where I am or anybody else. We stopped so the other mommies could use the bathroom and one minute Ethan was sitting down next to Connor and the next minute he was gone. There was already about 5,694 times during the hour we were at the zoo that I thought he was gone but this time, he really was no where in site. We all split up to find him and I finally found him up the path just walking by himself, no worries on his mind, even though I had just had a small heart attack. The rest of the day he was strapped onto the stoller like I was walking a dog (why I didn't do this the first time he wandered off is beyond me, but I've learned now. Either keep him strapped to the stroller when we go somewhere, or don't bring him with:)

After that we went out for a picnic, and then tried to snap a picture of all the kiddos, which is definitely not an easy task. See for yourself, this is the only picture that all the kids were actually in and not running away.
(Bella, Connor, Laura, Lilli, Ava, Alexis, Ethan, & Dillon)
Leyla came with too but she left before the camera came out.
It was a fun day, the kids were so tired they both were sleeping by 7 (they usually don't go to bed til after 9!)

Friday, July 9, 2010

Swimming & Stars


& watching STARS...

Sadly this is the extent of my pictures from the weekend. There was lots of swimming, sleeping under the stars and fireworks.


Friday, July 2, 2010

Fawn Doe Rosa

Just some pictures from our trip to Fawn Doe Rosa.....

Connor tried so hard to catch the bunnies....finally he was able to hold one.

Gotta get your picture as the farmer
I had never seen a goat with spots like this, there were a couple of them with spots and they were so pretty and really soft.

I put some food on Bella's stroller so she would be able to see the deer up close, at first she was excited to see them....

...then she freaked out....

...and then she saw big brother doing it so it was ok again.

But Connor still wasn't too sure of the big buck. He did feed him some food, but didn't want to get any closer for a picture.

My friend Danielle and her son Dillon (7 months) came with us. Dillon loved when the cow sucked on his hand. It was too funny:)
Stroller babes....or boyfriend and girlfriend. These 2 just love each other. They both get so excited to see each other and just smile and lauch together. It's pretty sweet.
And obviously the busy day wore out my little man....and as for the big man, this is how I find him everynight.


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Little Man, Big Girl

What a little man Connor is. He loves to do whatever daddy is doing. He thinks it is the best thing in the world when daddy has a "very important job" for him to do, or needs his help working on something (aka bengineering). The other day I looked outside to see him doing this...

splitting wood....I mean seriously what could be better to a 4 year old than running a machine, wearing ear plugs, and helping daddy work. Look at the concentration on that face. He was so serious about it, and loved every second of it!

Now my big girl decided it was time to try to walk. Friday night she took one step a few different times, but it was more forced by me than actually on her desires. Saturday & Sunday was the same. Then Monday night we were at Connor's tball game sitting by first base and Ben was coaching on first base. She saw her daddy and decided she just wanted to walk to him, on top of a blanket, in the grass, and she took 8 steps. She did it a few more times at the game as well. The last 2 days she has done it a few times each day and then tonight she did it multiple times. She's finally figuring out that she can do it, and is getting a lot braver about trying it. And she gets so excited too, it's too cute!

And a few more candids....
