Thursday, July 1, 2010

Little Man, Big Girl

What a little man Connor is. He loves to do whatever daddy is doing. He thinks it is the best thing in the world when daddy has a "very important job" for him to do, or needs his help working on something (aka bengineering). The other day I looked outside to see him doing this...

splitting wood....I mean seriously what could be better to a 4 year old than running a machine, wearing ear plugs, and helping daddy work. Look at the concentration on that face. He was so serious about it, and loved every second of it!

Now my big girl decided it was time to try to walk. Friday night she took one step a few different times, but it was more forced by me than actually on her desires. Saturday & Sunday was the same. Then Monday night we were at Connor's tball game sitting by first base and Ben was coaching on first base. She saw her daddy and decided she just wanted to walk to him, on top of a blanket, in the grass, and she took 8 steps. She did it a few more times at the game as well. The last 2 days she has done it a few times each day and then tonight she did it multiple times. She's finally figuring out that she can do it, and is getting a lot braver about trying it. And she gets so excited too, it's too cute!

And a few more candids....


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