Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010

The first step.... admitting you have a problem. Right?!?
Nobody ever told me how addicting buying shoes for a little girl can be. Bella already has WAY more shoes than I do. I'm not a shoe person at all. In fact I hate shoes, but I love flip flops. But I just can't stop buying shoes for Bella. Most of the ones we have are handmedowns, but I have also purchased my fair share as well. I just can't pass up a good deal. Most of the shoes I buy for her I've gotten for only a couple dollars a pair, but still, when does it end? When will I say no? Probably when Ben finds out how many pairs of shoes this little one has.
I took them all out of her closet because they needed some organization. Well they just kept coming and coming, so I had to snap a picture of it. But they are all safely stored back in her closet so daddy doesn't see. (This reminds me of a certain 2 people I & hailey....who go shopping every weekend and have to hide the pairs of shoes they buy from dad)

(There were 5 shoes that I found that I still haven't found their counterparts yet as well.)

momma cole

Friday, March 26, 2010

8 months

She is 8 months old now and making it harder and harder to get a picture with her monthly sign. She'd much rather just eat it.
We've got big news in Bella's world, her first tooth came through last night. She was a little fussy the last couple of days so yesterday morning the idea came to me that maybe she was getting some teeth, so I pried open her mouth and there was nothing. I checked again later in the afternoon and her gums looked like they were a little puffy, but I still thought to myself, "it'll probably be a few more weeks before any come in." Then when I was feeding her supper, she opened her mouth for a bite and I thought her gums looked really swollen. So I stuck my finger in to feel for anything, and sure enough, the tooth was through. I was so surprised. I had just checked a few hours before and there was nothing at all, and then all the sudden it had popped through. But it has obviously been bothering her. She woke up at midnight last night, so I fed her and tried to put her back in bed and she screamed. I rocked her back to sleep and tried to lay her down again and she screamed again. So we ended up sleeping on the couch together all night (which makes for a sore mommy in the morning).
As far as sleep goes, she's usually an amazing sleeper. She is on the same sleep schedule as Connor. They both go to bed at 9 and wake up at 7. Bella takes an hour nap while Connor is at school and then they both take an afternoon nap from 2-4. I can't believe I've been blessed with 2 awesome sleepers!

Bella is getting a little closer to crawling. She will now get up on her knees from her tummy, but it only lasts for a few seconds. She still pushes herself backwards and scoots a little bit on her butt. She would just much rather sit up.
As for Connor, he's been loving the warmer weather we've had. He spends all afternoon outside gathering corn from the fields to "plant", trying to climb the trees, and riding his bike. The other day I sent him and his friend outside to collect the garbage that had blown away this winter and was collected in the "tall grass." They each took a plastic bag out to collect the garbage. When they came back in they showed me what they found, and I was completly amazed with what they had done. They came in with all the garbage in one bag and all the plastic recyclables in the other. I couldn't believe they had taken it upon themselves to recycle the things they found. I was so impressed that they got more excited and went out and spent the next few hours looking for garbage and recyclables, while singing their own made up songs "I'm the garbage man" and "I'm the recycling man." It was just too cute. They ended up finding 6 gallon milk cartons and other plastics, a bag of garbage, and a rug that I was looking for. It's kinda sad that we let that much garbage fly around.
Anyway, I hope you all have a great weekend!

momma cole

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Green Day

Just a few pictures from our St. Patty's Day.
Bella's clapping in this picture. It's so cute when she does it.

A little retro with the headband and leg warmers:)

Our green lunch. Green eggs, green toast and green milk. I wasn't sure if Connor would eat it or not, but he devoured it all, I think it's because he got to mix in the color by himself. (and he still asks for green milk now!)

Ben wanted nothing to do with our green food. Connor kept telling him it was good, but he just couldn't get past the color.

momma cole

Friday, March 12, 2010


The little man is now 4 1/2. Now seriously...someone tell me where the last 4 1/2 years have gone. It's one thing that Bella is already 7 months, but 4 1/2 years YEARS, that is just too much. He completly amazes me everyday. The things he says, the things he does, the creativity thats in his head, it's all completly amazing.

54 pounds

44 inches

wears size 5/6 or 6/7

Connor absolutely loves going to school. He goes 4 days a week for 3 hours. On his day off and on the weekends, he is asking to go to school. So either it's a good sign that he loves going to school, or it's a bad sign that he is totally bored or sick of us on the other days. His long time girlfriend Layla (who's been around since the first week of school) has apparantly moved on to another boy. But I'm starting to think the whole girlfriend situation is all in the boys heads. I believe the girls have no idea who their boyfriend is, or even that they have one. I think the boys just make it up for a good story, and then switch girlfriends when they get bored.

He still loves to play with trucks and tractors and anything with a motor. The sounds he can come up with for the different motors is amazing. He keeps trying to teach me how to do some of them, but I just can't figure it out. (But Bella has mastered a few of them already!) His other favorites are playing anything and everything outside. He loves to go ice fishing with daddy, go snowmobiling, ride the 4wheeler, and just wonder around the yard looking for something creative that he can do or play with.

My favorites:

His hugs and kisses
His storytelling abilities
How he sucks his thumb when he's tired
How big and little he looks with his backpack on going to school
How he takes such great care of me when I am not feeling well
His hair :)
His crooked smile like mine
How he wants to be just like his daddy
When he gets so excited to tell me a story and he just can't get it out
The look on his face when he is so excited to tell me a story
His snuggles
How he always has to kiss his sister...(goodnight, goodmorning, see you after school, and a million times in between)
The way he has to pray for EVERYONE and EVERYTHING every night at bed
He's just too cute! Have a great weekend all!
momma cole

7 months

Baby girl is now 7 months old!
almost 18 pounds
about 27" long (I really have no idea, just a guess)
wears size 6-9 months clothes
She loves to sit and play with her toys, actually connor's toys. She'll scoot around a little bit on her butt, but cannot figure out how to get up on her hands and knees to crawl. (I think she is listening to my last request for her not to crawl and move around yet.) She loves to stand up and has pulled up on the coffee table to stand a few times.
Last week she was really sick with a cold (which has now been passed onto me), and she was barely eating anything. She would only nurse, and would not take any baby food. However, this week she is surely making up for it. She will eat anything I make for her and a whole lot of it. She definitely likes the veggies more than fruit right now.
She is learning how to clap, and will do it randomly during the day, except for when I try to get her to do it. Same thing with waving...she will wave to herself all day long, but rarely when you want her to. But it is just to cute to see her clapping and waving to herself!
My favorites:
Her chubby sausages (aka..her fingers)
Her chin
Her giggles and smiles
Her serious face (the exact same one Connor had at this age) shown in the first picture
How she tries to kiss with her mouth wide open
The way she holds onto me when I'm carrying her
Rubbing her hair....that is starting to come in
Her little tummy
Her wave
Her snuggles
The way she sucks her thumb
How she's not afraid of anything (loud noises, random dogs, her brother's aggressiveness:)
How much she loves her brother!
(Later today.....Connor's 4.5 year old post)
momma cole

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wordless Wednesday...almost again

Well I'm thinking I'll never be able to do a completly wordless wednesday, but I'll try:)

Two years ago today, we said hello and goodbye to this precious little one...

Happy Birthday Colin, we miss you!

(And for real, I still have 3 posts that are almost ready to publish, but I've been struck with a nasty bug and have barely been able to get off the couch! they will come, just no promises as to when this time)

momma cole

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Aren't they just the cutest...

So in love...

And they are ALL crazy for legos!
Connor has had a few exciting days at school. A few weeks ago they were learning the letter M, so they had a muffin day. Everybody had to bring in 2 muffins of their choice and the kids all did a taste test of all the different kinds of muffins. Connor helped me make the muffins, actually he did pretty much all the work, even though it was very messy. I used a new recipe that I found, applesauce muffins, and I'll never make them again. They were not good at all. I felt pretty guilty about bringing them in for the kids to eat. But Connor didn't seem to mind them, so maybe nobody else did either :)

Connor also had a little program at school. Ben, Bella and I got to go watch him and his friends sing a few songs for us. It was pretty cute. Connor sang the first song really well, but then he got bored or something and decided he just really wasn't into it anymore. And when I say little program, I mean short...if we would have been a couple minutes late we would have missed it all. But obviously it was the perfect length for the kiddos.

He loves to show his sister off to his friends and teachers!

momma cole

Wordless Wednesday...almost

Well almost wordless....I have 3+ posts almost ready to go for the week. My hope is to get them all ready to go tonight so that there will be a new one for the next three days. And the reason I write to tell you this, is because then I will have more motivation to actually get them done!

momma cole