Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sleep.....Oh how I've missed you

Well I'm sure it is just a fluke, but I'll take it. The last 2 nights Bella has slept through the night. 10:00pm until 7:00am. And it was every bit of wonderful that I thought it would be. I haven't had a full night sleep in a year. Pregnancy doesn't allow you to sleep through the night because of the need to pee every 5 seconds and obviously a newborn needs to eat every few hours so no sleep then too. But I've been looking forward to the day when I wake up in the morning and realize that I didn't get up at all during the night, and when that happened the other morning, it was heaven. (after checking to make sure Bella was still breathing:) I have no doubt that because of the mere fact that I am writing about this, tonight she will be up every 2 hours, but that's ok because I have now gotten 2 full nights of sleep!
I think Bella's sleeping through the night may be because of this...

She has followed in her brother's footsteps and has now become a thumb sucker. Which I am very happy about. Right after I had Bella and they laid her on my tummy, the first thing she did was suck her thumb, I thought from then on out she was going to be a thumb sucker. But the first 6 weeks she didn't suck her thumb again. Then she started trying to find it and would just suck on the knuckle on her thumb because everytime she put her thumb in her mouth she would gag. Then this weekend, she found it, and liked it, and now everytime she is tired, there goes the thumb. So I think when she wakes up in the middle of the night, she is now able to put her thumb in her mouth and put herself back to sleep! Yeah! Let's just hope that she will be able to break the habbit before she goes to school, unlike Connor who is still sucking his thumb.

A baby sucking their thumb is just the cutest thing to me. Eveytime I see her do it, it just makes me smile :)

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