Sunday, October 25, 2009

Whats for dinner tonight?

Well Ben has been home a whole week and already he's left us again. It's hunting season so I should expect it. He's up at the cabin, hopefully bringing home some "buck" to fill up the freezer for the year. (Connor calls any kind of red meat buck. If we want him to eat something, we just tell him it is buck and he'll chow it down)

Anyways, when Ben's gone on the weekends, Connor and I head to town and rent some movies and then go to the DQ for some ice cream. Connor had his ice cream finished by the time we got home and he then decided he was still hungry and he asked if he could have a "nola bar" aka granola bar. Why not i said. So he grabs a nola bar and then 2 pieces of bread, puts it together and says, "Mom, I'm having a nola bar sandwich!" He thought it was the greatest thing. He chowed it down. The next morning he woke up and had the same thing for breakfast.

So now when I ask him what he wants to eat, it's always a Nola Bar Sandwich. MMM yum!

Enjoying his Nola Bar Sandwich

And yes, that's a chocolate chip granola bar, sandwiched between 2 pieces of everything italian bread.

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